In this episode of the Pets Add Life Podcast, Chris and Kristen dive into the world of pet daycare and veterinary care. They sit down with Dan Rubenstein, the founder of PUPS Pet Club, to discuss his journey in the pet care industry and the innovative human-based daycare curriculum he has developed. They also talk with Dr. Tiffany Tupler from Chewy, who shares her expertise on various aspects of pet health and wellness, providing valuable insights for pet owners.
Presented by: American Pet Products Association (APPA) & DOGTV
Disclaimer: Our podcast is produced as an audio resource. Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and human editing and may contain errors. Before republishing quotes, we ask that you reference the audio.
00:00:00:02 - 00:00:14:12Chris (Voice Over)Pets Add Life. Your guide to the latest in pet trends, products and the joy of the human animal. Bond, with Kristin Levine and Chris Bonifati. Powered by the American Pet Products Association and Dog TV.00:00:14:13 - 00:00:18:02.
Disclaimer: Our podcast is produced as an audio resource. Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and human editing and may contain errors. Before republishing quotes, we ask that you reference the audio.
00:00:00:02 - 00:00:14:12
Chris (Voice Over)
Pets Add Life. Your guide to the latest in pet trends, products and the joy of the human animal. Bond, with Kristin Levine and Chris Bonifati. Powered by the American Pet Products Association and Dog TV.
00:00:14:13 - 00:00:18:02
Hey, Chris. This is the first time I've seen you since Westminster.
00:00:18:08 - 00:00:22:09
I know it's been a while. It's been a hot minute. How is everything over there?
00:00:22:11 - 00:00:37:19
Everything's good, everything's good. I was I was listening to your show from there, and, I was realizing, like, you just have this constant energy. And so I've decided to start caffeine loading before we record the show so I can kind of match. Can I meet you where you're at? Or at least 1015?
00:00:37:19 - 00:00:58:17
Loading it is is, is a is a forbidden technique. It was taught to me, by by my many mentors. And it is similar to the carbo loading that marathon runners do. You guys get it all stacked up, pans out, and then over the course of like a two hour recording session, just absolutely blast it into the microphone and then you take a nap afterwards.
00:00:58:22 - 00:01:00:00
Take a nap.
00:01:00:02 - 00:01:26:03
Yeah. You got to take a nap afterwards. but everybody hey, listeners, welcome to the To the Pets Add Life podcast. I'm one of your hosts, Chris Bonifati joined, as always by the wonderful Kristen Levine. And today we're going to be bringing you, two amazing pet stories, two awesome, guests that we've interviewed, two product recommendations. And then we're going to answer two of your questions.
00:01:26:05 - 00:01:42:06
I can't wait. The weather's been amazing over here. I feel like summer is finally starting. Except for today, it is very rainy. But other than that, it's been amazing. Yeah, summer is a summer swing. Yeah, we're. Which is great. So, I can't wait to hear what we have to talk about on this episode.
00:01:42:06 - 00:01:45:22
Yeah. So do you want to kick it off with our stories?
00:01:45:23 - 00:01:50:03
Yeah. Story time. Story time? No.
00:01:50:05 - 00:01:54:17
Chris (Voice Over)
Kristen and Chris present. Story time.
00:01:54:19 - 00:02:17:08
So, as a, New Yorker, we all observed the Met Gala recently. we saw all the beautiful outfits and all the celebrities get their pictures taken on the red carpet. Well, via the Associated Press press, I have learned that there is a pet gala in New York as well.
00:02:17:08 - 00:02:34:14
It's. And it is hosted at the Museum of Dogs. This comes from the Associated Press. by John Ferrucci. Thank you. John. and I love his opening line. I'm going to read it word for word because it's right up my alley. they may call it a catwalk, but the Met Gala is the dog's time to shine.
00:02:34:14 - 00:02:35:05
00:02:35:05 - 00:02:36:20
I love it, I love it.
00:02:36:22 - 00:03:03:10
so, we're going to I'm going to put this article in the show notes because, the pictures are absolutely astounding. You have to see some of these. These pictures, folks. We've got dogs in all sorts of flowery dresses posing. They look so nice. Their handlers are all dressed to the nines. and the proceeds, benefit the Museum of Dogs, which is an amazing museum.
00:03:03:10 - 00:03:04:19
Kristen, have you ever been before?
00:03:04:19 - 00:03:11:15
I have not been, but I've heard about it for a while. Was touring for a while, wasn't it touring the country? Is it now in one location?
00:03:11:20 - 00:03:37:08
It is in New York. they now it's more of an official museum set up where they will move some of their exhibits out and tour. Right. Gotcha. but they, have some, some history of dogs in there, some famous artwork that is, is of dogs, all sorts of cool stuff. It's one of those hidden gems of New York that will never make it onto, like, a top ten list.
00:03:37:10 - 00:03:55:06
but the locals know, like, if you were to ask a local what's, like, a fun little thing for me to do in this neighborhood? it's a great place. I would highly recommend stopping by and seeing, but, seriously, people, these pictures, And the videos. I am so impressed on how they got some of these dogs in these things.
00:03:55:06 - 00:04:25:17
I'm looking at a picture right now of some type of terrier mix, and I'm going to do my best to describe it. Okay? In what I could only describe as Salem witch chic. Okay. Like a a lacy black flowy dress that kind of descends all the way down to a red carpet in, lacy, transparent fills and and the dog is, is turned around and looking back at the camera and like a seductive soul.
00:04:25:18 - 00:04:28:19
No, it is absolutely amazing.
00:04:28:19 - 00:04:30:11
Getting weird now.
00:04:30:12 - 00:04:35:13
Yeah, it was weird to begin with. We just didn't know it because we're dog people, right?
00:04:35:19 - 00:04:41:03
I wonder I wonder if they've got these couture designers designing these gowns for the dogs.
00:04:41:05 - 00:05:02:03
It does not mention anything about the designers, which is so funny because when you do the Met Gala, it's like really all about the fashionistas and and what their, their, their ideas are. but yeah, I mean, this is it's really great fun. It's great fun. It was it was hosted, I guess, this past weekend on on May 21st.
00:05:02:03 - 00:05:13:14
So, perhaps all of you are seeing some, news out there yourself, about the the pet gala that I'll be sure to get that link into the show notes that everybody please do.
00:05:13:14 - 00:05:15:01
I can't wait to check it out.
00:05:15:03 - 00:05:17:14
what about you, Kristen? What's your story?
00:05:17:16 - 00:05:37:17
Well, my story this week is really, one that started out as a personal story and, basically kind of leading up to something that I created that we're going to be celebrating all month of June, and that's what's called Pet Anxiety Awareness Month. And the story behind it is back in the, this is probably going back 15 years ago.
00:05:37:17 - 00:05:57:06
I had a dog named Buck. He was, I adopted him at the SPCA. He was a yellow lab. He was he was my my soul dog. I mean, we just we were so connected. but Buck had a lot of anxiety issues. He had severe separation anxiety, had a lot of noise, anxiety. And at the time we lived in Florida.
00:05:57:06 - 00:06:24:09
So there were thunderstorms every day in the summertime. And, you know, I noticed these symptoms, like him hiding or whining or clinging to me like probably what he was like 4 or 5 years old. And I really I never experienced having a dog that that had those types of anxieties. So what happened is over the years, it got progressively worse and worse and worse, to the point where there was a period of about three years where my husband and I never traveled together.
00:06:24:09 - 00:06:44:22
We one of us, always had to be home because he was so difficult to manage. I've got pictures that I took of how he would literally chew into the baseboards and the molding, and the doorway when we would leave. He was it was just it was it was like a horror scene when we would come home and just find drywall all over the floor.
00:06:44:22 - 00:07:06:18
I mean, he was a mess. And what I did was I went to see I was referred to a veterinary behaviorist, which is kind of like a doggie psychiatrist. And this was Doctor Lisa Hidatsa. And she explained to me that what Buck was experiencing was very akin to a panic attack that we humans can have, and that every single time we left the house, he was having a panic attack.
00:07:06:21 - 00:07:26:04
Every time he heard thunder rolling, he was having a panic attack. And, that's a kind of thing that if you don't address the symptoms early on, it does get progressively worse because they're, you know, the brain, the pathways in the brain, the neural pathways just get strengthened every time. You know, this these events happen. So I don't want to make the story too long.
00:07:26:04 - 00:07:52:02
But bottom line is I knew that you know what I learned. And we ultimately did get him help. And it was a combination of behavior modification, environmental modification and pharmaceutical help for him because he was so advanced. and I just decided, you know what I want to do something to educate pet parents about how fear, anxiety, and stress can affect your pet and how important it is to get a handle on it when you first start to see those signs.
00:07:52:04 - 00:08:25:07
So fast forward 2017, we launched Pet Anxiety Awareness Month and we're celebrating our eighth annual this year. So, I put together a free download for pet parents. It's called the, Calming Solutions Capsule Guide. And if you go to Pet Anxiety, you can download it for free. And it's a whole list of resources of, you know, great calming products that are over-the-counter, resources, veterinarians, veterinary specialists and that sort of thing to to help you all, to help, you know, pet parents recognize on signs early.
00:08:25:09 - 00:08:42:09
and even if there aren't, if the signs are advanced that they can understand better how to how to manage the situation, because it really affects the pet's quality of life as well as the family, too. So and shout out to dog TV, who's our sponsor for like the fifth year in a row.
00:08:42:11 - 00:08:47:20
How did I have no idea that you were the brain behind pet anxiety, or.
00:08:47:22 - 00:08:48:20
You didn't know that I.
00:08:48:20 - 00:08:52:16
Did, I, I did, I was completely unaware since it's.
00:08:52:16 - 00:08:54:00
Not about me marinating.
00:08:54:00 - 00:09:13:11
In my ignorance. Yeah. There you go. Okay. Yeah. Humble as the Lord himself. Absolutely. Completely understood. but that's absolutely amazing. I know, like, especially coming out of the pandemic, there's a lot of people who are, wondering why, you know, my dog so anxious because they they've never really had to be alone. Oh, I have to go back to work.
00:09:13:13 - 00:09:35:12
so let's, you know, do your listeners keep your eyes, on that website for some information and some tools that might be beneficial to both you and your dog, because you don't want to end up like Kristen, where travel becomes difficult or even something as simple as going to the store. Yeah, that comes, you know, a process because of, you know, the mental health of your animals.
00:09:35:12 - 00:09:38:14
So definitely be on the lookout for those tips and tricks.
00:09:38:16 - 00:09:58:02
Because I'm really excited about our our first guest today, because he has a story that I can relate to. I'm not going to give it away now, but, all I can say is that he is paving the way for, higher standards for, dog services like doggy day care training, things like that. And, he's got he's got a really great story.
00:09:58:02 - 00:09:59:08
So let's take a listen.
00:09:59:10 - 00:10:10:08
Chris (Voice Over)
Beyond the leash exploring the untold stories of pet passion and professionalism. All right. Joining us now is Dan Rubenstein with PUP's Pet Club. Dan, how are you doing today?
00:10:10:10 - 00:10:12:00
Very well Chris.
00:10:12:02 - 00:10:39:07
So, Dan, you've been, called, doggy Dan trained dogs for celebrities, for the rich, the famous for the regular Joe. You've kind of been all across, the the States, helping people with their animals. you're part of pets, pup's pet club, which is, an amazing organization. Why don't you give us a quick rundown of, what it is you do, what your expertise is.
00:10:39:12 - 00:10:42:06
before we jump into things here.
00:10:42:07 - 00:11:07:08
Yeah, well, I have a long history in pet care. I never expected to be in this business. I was working for Accenture on a project in Chicago, Illinois, and, enlisted my dog in. In a pet exercising service. They came. I picked him up every day and dropped him off. took him to a park during during the day and, unfortunately, on July 30th, 99, they took him out on a day that was extremely hot.
00:11:07:08 - 00:11:28:01
Way too hot for him to be outside. And, you know, passing away about 14 hours later. it was a tragic event that inspired me to get into the business, because I just didn't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else. And when I got into the business, I started learning about all asset, all aspects of the business.
00:11:28:01 - 00:12:06:04
I think you need to to be a good operator. You need to understand what the doggie daycare attendant does. The trainer, the driver, the person at the front desk, the groomer, even. and what I gravitated to, which you alluded to was, was training. I was fascinated with training. and what my dogs could do. I had a Saint Bernard, another Saint Bernard, after Sidney's passing, and I had a Rottweiler, and I did a apprenticeship, under the under a guy by the name of Alex Brooks, who was one of the most talented trainers in the Midwest at that time.
00:12:06:06 - 00:12:39:17
and Alex continues to train dogs. And this day we remained friends. And he taught me everything he knows. I, I enjoyed all of my time with Alex, and we continued to work together over the years and, like I said, remained friends. And I became, I guess a fairly good dog trainer in my own right. And like you said, I got an opportunity to work with some amazing people, really interesting people, that dogs were much more interesting in my work with the public.
00:12:39:17 - 00:13:00:19
Their dogs were even more interesting. and then I tell people from coast to coast all the way over to California and to New York and, and, it's been a really amazing ride. 25 years in the business. And today, you know, I'm doing less dog training, but we do have a, amazing, team of dog trainers to work with us at Tufts Pet Club.
00:13:00:20 - 00:13:11:21
They're some of the most talented group that I've ever worked with. and they do a great job helping pet parents all across, New York and Chicago right now.
00:13:11:23 - 00:13:35:04
You know, Dan, you know, Pups Pet Club and all the work that you've done with with dogs since Cindy's passing is, you know, leave such a wonderful legacy. for Sydney. How how do you. I think this is one of this is definitely one of every pet parent's worst nightmares. Is leaving your dog in the care of someone else that you you know, you trust and something terrible happening.
00:13:35:06 - 00:13:48:22
how do you how do you ensure. How are you able to, instill the trust in your clients through the work that you do at PUP's pet club?
00:13:49:00 - 00:14:11:01
Mean. That's a great question, Christian. I think a lot of pet parents aren't educated about what it is. you run a doggy daycare and, you know, how should the facility be built? How should it be staffed? How should you train your team? You know what chemicals should you use? That you can clean the place that are pet safe.
00:14:11:03 - 00:14:38:07
People don't understand the commercial aspects of pet care. So I think it's for us, it's just reliability and consistency and education. Those three words ring, ring true to me. We have to be reliable and trustworthy to our our pet parents every day. You know, the same experience is given to their dogs and to them. So that consistency is key.
00:14:38:09 - 00:14:57:22
and, you know, we've got to make sure that our, our team is well educated so that they can inform our pet parents about what we do. That's different. Because, listen, at the end of the day, I think you can walk into most pet care centers and you'll see really happy team members who are excited to see the dogs.
00:14:58:00 - 00:15:05:22
It's what's happening behind those closed doors. That's what's really important. And I think that's what our differentiating factor is.
00:15:06:00 - 00:15:28:12
Yeah, absolutely. so we have plenty of listeners out there who either don't have a pet owner and are considering getting a dog, or they have a different pet. They're considering getting a dog and a big question on their minds is especially in this new normal with hybrid work, a lot more places that you could bring your dog with you to work is what sort of strategy should people be taking kind of coming out of the pandemic?
00:15:28:12 - 00:15:45:21
Getting a dog? Any advice for a new dog owner on how to either, you know, get their their dog properly socialized, get their dog around other animals when they, or when they have to go on vacation. How to find a good place to properly board their dog?
00:15:45:23 - 00:16:07:23
Yeah. I mean, things have certainly changed since the pandemic and a lot more people have gotten dogs. And so pet ownership is up significantly. and I think people like you said, they're working from home. And so they're getting to spend a lot more time with their dogs. So daycare is no longer necessarily a necessity. The more of, you know, an amenity.
00:16:08:01 - 00:16:36:21
and what folks need to understand is that daycare is important for socialization of your animal and exercise. So dogs need stimulation. They need to be exercised. And if if you're not doing yourself because you're on the laptop in meetings like these all day long, you can't pay attention, to your dog, and your dog's gonna end up being unfortunately disruptive or disruptive of around your home.
00:16:36:23 - 00:16:56:17
So whether it's daycare, or training, or grooming, you know, there's something that you need to do actively with your dog. The best thing you can do is have a plan. So when you get your pup right away, no know exactly what it is that you're going to do from the very first moment that he or she arrives in your home.
00:16:56:19 - 00:17:14:19
And from there, you can execute on the plan. Right? And that's going to that's going to take a lot of people outside of yourself. It's going to take your family and friends, and it's going to take professionals like like us, raising a dog takes a village just like raising a little baby at home. And there's a lot to it.
00:17:14:21 - 00:17:40:00
And if you just say, okay, I'm going to get the dog for companionship and he's just going to be around while I work. Well, that's going to, you know, not be the best for you or your dog. And so daycare and training, grooming all the services that places like ours offer, you know, this holistic approach to care can really bring a great balance to your relationship with your dog.
00:17:40:02 - 00:17:48:12
Yeah. And if you're lucky enough to be in Chicago or New York, I mean, Pups Pet Club is like a one stop shop for all of those needs, right?
00:17:48:14 - 00:18:11:11
Yeah. I mean, we do. We do everything for dogs, daycare, overnights, training, grooming, dog walking, veterinary care. There's there's not much that we don't do. for dogs, we're really focused on enriching the lives of our of our dogs and the pet parents that, you know, are lucky enough to take care of the well.
00:18:11:11 - 00:18:23:19
Tell us a little bit about what the. I looked at your, I was on their website earlier today, and, I noticed their memberships. So what kind of what kind of, programs are offered at PUP's pet club?
00:18:23:21 - 00:18:46:13
Yeah, that's interesting that you saw that, Kristen, you know, that's that is a trend trend in the industry. I think we just were a little ahead of the curve there, but we consider all of our customers members. You know, our stores are not stores. They're clubs. You know, we want them to be a third place for our for our pet parents pups and our pet parents themselves.
00:18:46:15 - 00:19:12:01
So, you know, we we don't really consider how how your customer coming in. It's not transactional. It's more relational, in nature. And so we have a lot of club events. People are welcome in the club any time there's glass everywhere. So you can see everything that's going on. And if you can't see into a room and there's a screen that'll show you exactly what's going on.
00:19:12:03 - 00:19:15:00
So it's not a lot of trust.
00:19:15:02 - 00:19:30:17
Yeah, exactly. Well, you know, I feel like if you do the right thing, you should have nothing to hide, right? Absolutely. And and for us. So members are more or less an inclusive term. And that's what really we want everyone who comes in our doors to feel like.
00:19:30:19 - 00:19:57:00
Yeah, I think that's great. and the unfortunate reality is not everybody's going to have access to a pup's pet club. so for some of our listeners out there who may be trying to find, the right daycare center for their animal, what are some green flags? Some, some really good signs that the place they're looking at is, is going to be a good, you know, to the same standard, possibly that pup's pet club could offer.
00:19:57:02 - 00:20:20:04
Right? Well, I think first and foremost is the interaction that you're you're getting with the people there. They you're going to get a gut feeling as to whether or not you can trust us folks. you know, go with your gut. Right? It's not going to lie with lie to you. You should look at the overall, you know, character of the facility itself.
00:20:20:04 - 00:20:55:16
Does it smell? is it is it clean? just like we touched upon. Is there transparency in their operation? Do they have glass so that you can see into the. You know, the areas where dogs are being cared for? do they, offer you reports on how your dog is behaving, what they're eating, you know, even their activity level to make sure that your dog is well cared for while you're away, or even while you have your dog groomed.
00:20:55:18 - 00:21:31:00
The the telltale signs, overall, the of a really well-run facility are are people who are engaged a team members who are engaged and care that is exemplary of, you know, how you would care for your dog yourself. certainly. Look at, reviews, you know, online. That's that's a great indication to see what other people just like yourself are considering when they're going to, you know, a dog daycare or grooming facility and talk to your neighbors and people in the community.
00:21:31:01 - 00:21:50:02
They're going to know, you know, better than anyone, who's good and who's not so good. so I would say that if you approach it like you're approaching your work, you're investigative and doing the research, you're going to you're going to land at a great spot.
00:21:50:04 - 00:22:00:09
Yeah. And I imagine your dog's level of enthusiasm to, to to go to the club is probably part of the telltale sign that, that, you know, it's a great experience for your dog.
00:22:00:11 - 00:22:07:07
Definitely in person, but it doesn't stop there. You need to know what's going on behind closed doors as well.
00:22:07:09 - 00:22:13:10
Absolutely. So tell us, how many locations do you have in Chicago and New York?
00:22:13:12 - 00:22:17:19
Yeah, we have six in Chicago and two in New York.
00:22:17:21 - 00:22:18:10
Okay, we're.
00:22:18:10 - 00:22:23:06
About to announce two more in Chicago, and we've got a few more here in New York that we're.
00:22:23:08 - 00:22:28:00
That's great. You have plans to expand to, to any other cities?
00:22:28:02 - 00:22:42:21
yes, we do. but right now, like, we're focused on, New York and Chicago. So that's in the future. But but right now, there's just a lot of work for us to do. And in these two markets, we're just getting started. We feel like.
00:22:42:23 - 00:22:44:01
Yeah, that's that's awesome.
00:22:44:02 - 00:23:06:13
So many great pet parents out there and tons of folks. And and we feel like we're, we're elevating the industry because, you know, this is a, this an industry in its infancy. And, and a lot of people came into it for, let's just say, the wrong reasons. and, you know, we want to make sure that, you know, our care practices are setting the standard across the entire industry.
00:23:06:17 - 00:23:25:09
Yeah. And thank you for for doing that, because, as you said, the industry is young, even though, you know, for those of us who've been working in the pet industry for many years, it doesn't seem like it's young, but it truly is. And it's changing. It's just changed so much, you know, in the past ten, 15 years. so thank you for all that you're doing to elevate the standards.
00:23:25:11 - 00:23:37:06
and, you know, to instilling trust in, in our pet parents so that we feel comfortable, bringing our dogs to the club. And what's the website, Dan? So people can find out more about pets. Putt putt putt club.
00:23:37:08 - 00:23:44:11
Yeah, I know it's a tongue twister, right? It is. Putts, pet And it try to say it ten times. That's it's not going to happen.
00:23:44:15 - 00:23:48:00
Dr. Tiffany
It's not.
00:23:48:02 - 00:23:59:04
fantastic. Well thank you so much for joining us today Dan. We appreciate all the work that you do. And, and, be sure to tell your friends about the podcast so they can learn more about it, too.
00:23:59:06 - 00:24:01:14
I will thank you, Kristen. Thank you Chris.
00:24:01:16 - 00:24:02:16
Thanks, Dan.
00:24:02:18 - 00:24:04:23
Chris (Voice Over)
Pets Add Life.
00:24:05:00 - 00:24:31:18
It was a pleasure speaking with Doggy Dan, and I know how difficult it can be to leave your animal somewhere. especially if it's not something you're used to doing. If it's something that you sort of need an a puncture. There's been an emergency. so it's good to know that there's folks out there who are pushing this industry forward, really challenging the status quo on what is considered acceptable care for an animal.
00:24:31:20 - 00:24:49:10
I had poked around the website. I sort of wish I was a dog now so I could go hang out at the go ahead at the club. It seems like a pretty chill place. Like, yeah, like instead of having to go to work every day, just, you know, go hang out with my friends, watchdog TV, get some scratches and some some treats.
00:24:49:12 - 00:24:50:12
Sounds nice.
00:24:50:14 - 00:25:00:13
It does, it does. And and it's great that he's educated us, even more. Because now when you're going to look for a facility like that, you know, I would ask for a tour. I want to see the whole place.
00:25:00:15 - 00:25:02:19
You know? Yeah, absolutely. yeah.
00:25:02:21 - 00:25:12:10
And just like he said, I think the most important thing he said was trust your gut. You know, if you have a tour and you get to know the staff, I think you can, you'll make it. You made the right decision for your dog.
00:25:12:12 - 00:25:33:17
Yeah, absolutely. Our next guest is Doctor Tiffany Tupler who is the manager of veterinary services with Kooi. You may actually recognize her if you watch dog TV. their show vets A to Z. she has an episode or two on there, so this may be a familiar face. We sat down to talk about all things veterinary care.
00:25:33:17 - 00:25:37:22
So let's go ahead and have a listen to that.
00:25:38:00 - 00:25:44:19
Joining us now is Doctor Tiffany Tupler manager of veterinary services at chewy. Welcome, Dr.Tiffany.
00:25:44:21 - 00:25:46:23
Dr. Tiffany
Thank you. Thank you for having me.
00:25:47:01 - 00:26:00:09
It's so nice to meet you. And what caught my attention when I first found out we were talking to you on the show today? Was that you're the manager of veterinary services at chewy. I think a lot of people don't know that chewy has veterinary services.
00:26:00:11 - 00:26:20:16
Dr. Tiffany
Yeah, we actually have a very large range of what veterinarians actually do it chewy. And so for most, I think our public knows that we now have clinical hospitals. I actually work more on the virtual side. So a lot of what I do is client education, client outreach, and what I like to call preventative, like health education.
00:26:20:16 - 00:26:32:12
Dr. Tiffany
So really touching and getting into the lives of pet parents, helping them understand, empower them with their options, and educate them on the value of what veterinarians and our community has to offer for them.
00:26:32:13 - 00:26:54:18
Yeah. That's great. I know for me, as a, you know, a 30 something millennial who gets anxiety when he has to pick up the phone and order a pizza, the prospect of trying to find a vet, can be pretty daunting. So can you talk a bit about how virtual care through chewy could be a good option for somebody who's sort of nervous to take that first step?
00:26:54:20 - 00:27:21:04
Dr. Tiffany
Yeah. Great question. so I think a big thing to really help people understand what what are your options is if you think of like tele advice or like telemedicine in general, it kind of branches into like two different like telehealth. They kind of branch into two things. So everybody knows about telemedicine. That's like you're straightforward. I've been to my doctor and then they like can call me on the phone or I can have a chat or like maybe a nurse can jump on that, can change my refills.
00:27:21:04 - 00:27:39:00
Dr. Tiffany
We can talk about conditions that I previously previously been diagnosed with. and then like they can do follow ups. Usually there's like a limitation based on the law, but they can usually help you with your day to day stuff. On the other side, you kind of have more of that for the millennials and stuff. you're kind of like your influencers.
00:27:39:00 - 00:27:55:04
Dr. Tiffany
So we get to do education, we get to do general advice. We get to talk to you about, you know, maybe your vet was talking a mile a minute, which were really good at, and they were they're talking about thyroid problems in the kidneys and my cat and my dog, and I don't know what's going on. We're there to help you kind of understand.
00:27:55:04 - 00:28:09:23
Dr. Tiffany
Take that extra 20, 30 minutes to really get an idea of what's going on, set up a plan, help you understand your next steps, and then that way, you're more empowered when you have to make that phone call and chat with your vet about, hey, I really want to ask more questions about this condition, and I know it's okay.
00:28:09:23 - 00:28:13:03
Dr. Tiffany
I don't have to be so anxious anymore.
00:28:13:05 - 00:28:36:15
That that's amazing. I like totally agree with that concept. I had to get a root canal once and I spent, I don't know, six hours on the internet learning about the process and how it works and everything like that and that, that that sense of preparedness can bring, such, levity to a situation that could be really stressful.
00:28:36:17 - 00:28:43:19
and it's great to have a partner out there knowing that there's somebody you can reach out to, when you're really feeling like you've lost control of something.
00:28:43:21 - 00:29:11:04
So. Yeah. And another, another thing that, I was really happy to learn, doctor Tiffany, is that you have a a special area of focus which is in behavior. And this month, June, is, pet Anxiety Awareness month. And earlier in the show, Chris and I were talking about, you know, this, this event and how we're celebrating it and, and the importance of educating pet parents about how to how to recognize those signs of, you know, stress and anxiety in their pets early on.
00:29:11:08 - 00:29:19:20
So what do you do? You get those types of of questions from pet parents that are looking for ways to calm their pets or.
00:29:19:22 - 00:29:32:12
Dr. Tiffany
Yes, I'd probably say it's just in general, being in this field is probably the number one, question we get about behavior because it's so relatable. Right. Like first you just talk about it. Yeah. Anxiety is and people.
00:29:32:13 - 00:29:35:00
I am the dog with anxiety. Right.
00:29:35:01 - 00:29:51:20
Dr. Tiffany
It's but it's funny because we talk about connections with our dogs. I mean, dogs were dogs were bred and domesticated to be our best friends. So like they do pick up on on that anxiety. The big things to remember is they're not us. So their anxieties look and act very differently. And there's things that we do differently to help them.
00:29:52:02 - 00:30:10:01
Dr. Tiffany
And I think that's a big thing to remind people is like, even though it may work for us, it's not always the same thing for them. And a lot of times it's a partnership, right? It's it's setting realistic expectations and really helping pet parents understand that this is a partnership requires patience, time, work, just like our own mental health and our own anxieties.
00:30:10:04 - 00:30:17:03
Dr. Tiffany
It's the same thing, except using those are avenues appropriately so we can get the best short and long term help.
00:30:17:05 - 00:30:18:07
Last season.
00:30:18:09 - 00:30:28:02
Yeah, that's a great point. So how do people access this, this advice from vet, from a veterinarian? It's like you actually.
00:30:28:04 - 00:30:52:06
Dr. Tiffany
Yeah. Great. Great. great question. So currently right now we actually have, two different services kind of under the same umbrella, with our service, we actually offer a free chat platform. so you can actually chat in and ask your question. So for Chris's question about anxiety, like what does anxiety look like in my dog or I notice every time someone honks a horn, my dog is like losing his mind and I don't know what to do.
00:30:52:12 - 00:31:14:03
Dr. Tiffany
And so what we do is we kind of just help people, right? We empower them with education like, hey, it's okay. Like dogs get anxious just like people. And here are some things that that may look like. And by chance if you talk to a vet because in many cases, people don't realize that just like in US pain, discomfort, not sleeping, maybe having an underlying problem can cause a lot of those anxieties.
00:31:14:03 - 00:31:34:06
Dr. Tiffany
And so like actually educating people that dogs are equally as complex as we are. and you've got to start first with a vet just to have that basic conversation. And then we can talk to you more about the now, like, what can I do now that isn't necessarily doctor related, but things that I can start doing to modify my house, help me set my own realistic expectations.
00:31:34:11 - 00:31:43:01
Dr. Tiffany
We do that in chat and then we also actually have a video where you can actually chat with one of our veterinarians, and then they can chat you through some of these processes.
00:31:43:03 - 00:32:01:10
That's awesome. That's that. That sounds like right up my alley. let's dive a little deeper, though, into some of those, solutions so that people can understand, you know, we kind of got identifying the behavior, making the phone call, and then what are some of the solutions that people can expect? Are there? Is it is it product based?
00:32:01:10 - 00:32:11:01
Is it is it sort of a training type thing? what can people expect coming out the other end on, how they're going to go about treating that kind of behavior?
00:32:11:03 - 00:32:27:02
Dr. Tiffany
Yeah, that's my favorite question. the way I like to think of it is if you break it into four different pillars, right? So if you think of behavior, just make it relatable, make it to yourself. Right? You don't walk into your therapist and expect this magic medication and then poof, everything's gone. I'm done. I never have to go back.
00:32:27:05 - 00:32:47:22
Dr. Tiffany
I don't have to talk to anybody. Every. My world is perfect, right? And so I think like when we talk about these pillars, it's really setting a realistic expectation, understanding that there are mountains you're going to climb and sometimes you're going to fall down them. Sometimes your dog can't go there with you. And that's okay. So it's realizing that your end goal is, is to have a great relationship with your dog.
00:32:47:23 - 00:33:07:02
Dr. Tiffany
It may not be that perfect relationship that you always saw in a movie, but you can get there setting your up good expectation. Those four pillars are really easy to be. Your point, Chris. It's all of them. We like to use them in a multimodal approach. So what that means is like we want to add them all together because then we get all the pros and we get less of the cons.
00:33:07:04 - 00:33:25:06
Dr. Tiffany
So to your point, yes, modification is the most important thing. And how you implement it is the most important thing. We all want instant gratification, but the thing is to remember is that it's a journey with you and your pet. So understanding what their needs are along with your needs and making that the solution is what training and modification is.
00:33:25:06 - 00:33:43:22
Dr. Tiffany
It takes a lot of work for you, not me. It's actually pretty easy for me to tell you all about it at work, and you've got to work at it, and it's patience. It's just like raising a kid. They don't come out perfect. And now all of a sudden you have an Einstein like you've got to work, you've got it, you've got challenges and everything else with it.
00:33:44:00 - 00:34:00:06
Dr. Tiffany
There's also kind of like to your point of products, there's two different ways to think of products. We have pheromones, which are science based dogs. And like people produce things that help them feel comfortable. I think of it like the spa day, you know, and you have that lavender, that camomile, and you walk in and you're like, oh my gosh, this is great.
00:34:00:08 - 00:34:17:00
Dr. Tiffany
Think of pheromones that dogs actually produce this. And we know with science that it helps them calm themselves. Is it a magic cure? No. But it's great to add in, especially when you're working with your dog with modifications. And there are tons of really great products out there that have pheromones. I always ask people to, like, come and chat with us.
00:34:17:00 - 00:34:34:02
Dr. Tiffany
We'll talk to you about the science. We'll talk to you about the ones that we know work and then some that you could try that maybe will work best for you. Supplements are another great thing. But again, remember they're not the magic cure, but they can really help. I mean, they have everything from powders to capsules to liquids to all different types of stuff.
00:34:34:04 - 00:34:50:02
Dr. Tiffany
I always say be really careful though, because you don't want to spend a ton of money on something when you're looking at a multimodal approach, remember it's time and patience and modification. But again, if it if it kind of builds that connection with you like they love getting the snack, I can see them getting calmer. Then they're great options.
00:34:50:04 - 00:35:05:14
Dr. Tiffany
And then like I said before, the final one is just it's talking with your vet, making sure like, what happens if all of this was hypothyroidism or thyroid problem? Oh my gosh, that was a lot of work and a lot of time and a lot of money that I just use when I should have just gone to the vet in the first place.
00:35:05:14 - 00:35:14:15
Dr. Tiffany
So like I said, there isn't a magic cure. It's you've got to kind of do it in steps and stages.
00:35:14:17 - 00:35:25:08
I love that you talked about pheromones, because that's the product of the week that I'm going to share. Yeah, we always share two products of the week, Chris and I, after we talk to our guest. And you just did my intro for me, so. Oh.
00:35:25:10 - 00:35:26:06
Dr. Tiffany
00:35:26:08 - 00:35:48:03
Yeah. You're making us sound really smart. Like really smart, which is awesome. You're doing a great job. You're doing a great job. Keep it up. Although when we get to that section and part of the week, I'm going to look pretty stupid. so stay tuned if you're listening, to see how that pans out. but you know, this this is all, absolutely.
00:35:48:05 - 00:36:11:22
great advice. I know, for me, it's it's an understanding that any problem that you are going to have in health in general, whether it's yourself or, for your pet, it's a journey. And that journey requires a lot of key partners. and it's great to know that those partners are becoming more accessible.
00:36:12:00 - 00:36:24:21
Absolutely. And Doctor Tiffany, so for this Jett Jett vet chat that you were speaking about, do people just go to the chewy website or do we use an app or how do we access that that interaction?
00:36:24:21 - 00:36:42:18
Dr. Tiffany
Yeah, you can do both. you can actually access it through the web. so you can just go on to econ. If you look at your account, you'll see, like connect to the vet. that's us. you can also use it through your mobile app as well. again, there's no commitment to join, so you can always just jump on and test it out for yourself pretty easy.
00:36:42:20 - 00:36:44:01
That's great. That's that's.
00:36:44:03 - 00:36:57:17
Fantastic. And yeah, I love I love the timing of this interview because with, summer thunderstorms and the 4th of July coming up, I bet you're going to be getting a lot of a lot of questions from some nervous pet parents that have dogs that have, you know, fear of loud noises.
00:36:57:19 - 00:37:00:06
Dr. Tiffany
Yes, we have a lot of good advice for them, too.
00:37:00:06 - 00:37:18:18
So awesome. Yeah, I'm sure everybody's, chomping at the bit to check it out. doctor Tiffany, this has been awesome. You are absolutely amazing. to talk to. You made everything so clear. I feel better just talking to you. I feel like I've. Relax. Are there pheromones in this room? I know I relaxed a little bit.
00:37:18:18 - 00:37:19:15
Dr. Tiffany
So you're good?
00:37:19:17 - 00:37:26:03
Yeah. There you go. There you go. but thank you so much for joining us and sharing some of your knowledge with us and our listeners.
00:37:26:05 - 00:37:27:14
Dr. Tiffany
You're welcome. Thank you guys.
00:37:27:16 - 00:37:29:23
Chris (Voice Over)
Pets add life.
00:37:30:01 - 00:37:31:15
she was an awesome guest.
00:37:31:21 - 00:37:32:15
And yeah, that was fun.
00:37:32:15 - 00:37:42:12
I yeah, it was a lot of fun. And, I did not realize that chewy offered that kind of service a free. She said it was free.
00:37:42:14 - 00:37:58:01
Yeah, I know as soon as my cat does something weird, I know the first thing I'm doing. I get it like that. That's absolutely great. And how about that? That perfect segue into our next, segment into into product of the week. Let's just jump right on in, then
00:37:58:06 - 00:38:01:00
Chris (Voice Over)
the product of the week.
00:38:01:02 - 00:38:05:03
Okay, Kristen, it's time to talk about our products of the week.
00:38:05:03 - 00:38:10:14
Our products of the week. do you want to go first this week? Sure.
00:38:10:14 - 00:38:32:15
I'll be happy to go first. and I'm going to talk about a product that is along with the pet Anxiety Awareness Month theme. I'm going to talk about pheromones. you know, pheromones, are basically what they are. They're calming products that mimic the natural pheromones that animals produce to communicate a sense of safety and well-being to their offspring.
00:38:32:15 - 00:38:56:12
So, like mother cats and mother dogs produce these calming pheromones that that soothe their puppies or kittens. And, b serene is a company that comes to mind. I particularly like them because they have so many different pheromones solutions. They've got the diffusers that plug into the wall, they've got the sprays that you can spray on your pet, your pets, bedding.
00:38:56:13 - 00:39:18:12
they've got little collars they can wear. and the idea is that, if you kind of layer these, these things with pheromones like the room and the bedding, you're really gonna increase that sense of calm. When the animal breathes it in, they literally start to feel more relaxed. So I think that's a really kind of nature inspired way to calm your pet.
00:39:18:12 - 00:39:37:16
This would work best for dogs and cats who are having those kind of early signs of anxiety or stress. and I always recommend it as the first thing that pet parents try when they start to see those, those, those signs. So check out Be Serene because they have so many different, pheromone products. And you can see which ones work the best for your pet.
00:39:37:18 - 00:40:00:18
That's that's really cool. I mean, personally, when I hear pheromones, my mind goes to one place. I'm going to try and keep it PG calming pheromones. Right. So. But that's. I didn't know that that's a thing. I thought that they were, you know, my understanding of pheromones is that they were used for. Use for what?
00:40:00:18 - 00:40:01:18
One thing.
00:40:01:18 - 00:40:04:19
Well, there's different kinds of pheromones that, that have that.
00:40:04:19 - 00:40:14:12
So that's so interesting to learn. Yeah. Yeah. So there's all sorts of different stuff. I had no idea. That's really, that's really cool. Learn something new every day. Who who would have thunk that not even.
00:40:14:12 - 00:40:17:17
Chris had to take it there. No, he had to take it there. Yeah.
00:40:17:19 - 00:40:42:02
that's unfortunate, but the reality that we live in, so that's where my brain goes sometimes. what's your problem? Speaking of where? Yeah, speaking of where my brain goes sometimes, it is it is summertime. And I've been, you know, stringing together some fun summer concepts and and treats in the last few shows. And, when I think of summer, I think of ice cream.
00:40:42:02 - 00:41:00:18
I think of, you know, yummy late night runs to the ice cream parlor and getting myself a hot fudge sundae. I was just talking to my coworkers about ice cream, this morning, and it got me all hungry. and isn't it sad? Isn't it sad that dogs can't eat ice cream? It's just so sad. They would love it so much, wouldn't they?
00:41:00:23 - 00:41:23:17
And you get the, you know, with the whole pup cup thing. Well, listen, folks, I've got I've got the answer for you. So here in New York, Brooklyn specifically, but there are all over New York, there's the Van Loon ice cream chain, which is, you know, of New York in for me. and they are partnering with Ali, and Ali makes human grade pet food.
00:41:23:18 - 00:41:49:01
So they're partnering this summer, to make a flavor of ice cream, peanut butter, banana that is 100% dog safe. and it's going to be available online in Van Loon scoop shops. and they're also going to be partnering with Petco. So if you are like me and feels guilty whenever you eat ice cream in front of a dog, you do not need to feel that guilt anymore.
00:41:49:01 - 00:41:58:20
You could run out. You could get a nice, tasty frozen treat for your animal. I need you to share an ice cream cone together. which is absolutely amazing how far we've come as a society.
00:41:58:20 - 00:42:00:06
I love that.
00:42:00:07 - 00:42:02:18
This is a top of the mind concern for people.
00:42:02:23 - 00:42:10:12
You mentioned that you could find it online. Would you? Are you looking at, Ali or where? How do you find it online? You know.
00:42:10:14 - 00:42:19:01
it would be pet kokum. Yeah. You go to Petco. Com and they, you know, however you get your Petco prize, Petco does delivery and store pick up all sorts of stuff nowadays coming out.
00:42:19:02 - 00:42:21:10
Hey, tulip, we're gonna go get you some ice cream.
00:42:21:12 - 00:42:23:03
Yeah. It's awesome. Yeah.
00:42:23:03 - 00:42:25:09
Oh, she's so excited.
00:42:25:11 - 00:42:26:12
Yeah, I would be too.
00:42:26:12 - 00:42:40:17
If somebody know what seriousness it is. Not. It's not a good idea to give your pet real ice cream. It's full of sugar and dairy and. Yeah, don't do it. So I think that's a terrific, terrific product of the week, by the way. It's not good for us either.
00:42:40:19 - 00:43:02:13
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. but here's the thing is, humans, we can, brush our teeth, and take care of our teeth quite easily. Wow. dogs have much bigger issues, so, avoid the sugary treats. I can guarantee you that this ice cream, if you were to taste it as a person, you would wonder why it tastes so bland.
00:43:02:13 - 00:43:08:12
It's because there's no sugar in it. but it would be just fine to give your dog, so check it out.
00:43:08:14 - 00:43:10:04
Chris (Voice Over)
Q and As.
00:43:10:06 - 00:43:14:08
And now, Kristen, I think we're going to take some questions from the audience.
00:43:14:08 - 00:43:37:04
We are, we are. This is part of our two 2 to 2, the two questions from the audience. And let's remind everybody how they can submit their question and just go to And you can scroll to the bottom of that page and you can submit your own question. You can try to stump Chris and I, or you can even leave a voice message, and we can play it on the show.
00:43:37:04 - 00:43:40:00
To hear your question. So.
00:43:40:02 - 00:43:41:12
Yeah, absolutely.
00:43:41:13 - 00:43:57:09
Our first one today is from Laura, and she's in Boston, and she says, my dog has started to show signs of arthritis as he gets older, what are some effective treatments or lifestyle changes I can implement to help manage his pain and improve his mobility? You want to start? You want me to tackle this?
00:43:57:09 - 00:44:14:11
Yeah, I could start. I could start, arthritis is is rough for animals. they usually get it in their hips or. I don't know if you call this an elbow. Still on a dog. I'm not sure. As you can tell, I'm not a vet. so that's number one. Is, your vet is going to be able to recommend some great supplements.
00:44:14:11 - 00:44:46:10
There are, some amazing, supplements that can. There's obviously no cure for arthritis, but there are some things that can help alleviate some of the inflammation that arthritis causes. and what's really great about the modern pet industry is that those supplements don't need to be delivered in pill form anymore. There's all sorts of great, food toppers or, little, they even do supplements that you kind of squirt on top of the food and mix it into the food, and it tastes like gravy.
00:44:46:12 - 00:45:09:10
and there's, there's all sorts of different ways to deliver that supplement to your dog where they won't even notice that they're being treated with, with a medicine. they'll feel like they're just getting a special treat. but this is definitely a conversation that you should be having with your vet because there's varying degrees of arthritis. There is, you know, the beginning stages where, preventive care can really help a lot.
00:45:09:10 - 00:45:16:22
And then there's the later stages where your goal is really just going to be maximizing the comfort of your pet. At that point.
00:45:17:00 - 00:45:40:04
Yeah, absolutely. And along with that, you know, Laura asked about lifestyle changes, too. And I think it's important to be really mindful and remember that our pets age so much more quickly than we do. So pets can start to show arthritis at a at what we would consider a very young age. So like 4 or 5, six, seven, that that's how early it can, you know, have onset.
00:45:40:06 - 00:46:08:11
So if you notice that your pet is a little slower to get up or having a little bit more trouble with the stairs, then you definitely want to pull back on their, their typical like activities in terms of like length of their walk or how much playtime they spend or you know, a lot of pets in general are great at masking pain and discomfort, you know, so they might, you know, go to the dog park and just have a blast with their doggy friends and they come home and like, you know, a couple of hours later, they're limping around.
00:46:08:11 - 00:46:26:22
So it's really up to you as a pet parent to, to kind of manage their activity level. And as Chris said, I think the most important thing you can do, though, is to see your veterinarian and to determine what stage of arthritis your pet has and what he or she recommends that you do in terms of supplements, toppers, and even medication.
00:46:27:00 - 00:46:35:02
I know medication can be very helpful, for dogs and cats that are, you know, maybe in some more advanced stages. So. So I hope that helps.
00:46:35:02 - 00:46:36:17
Laura Philip agreed with that point.
00:46:36:19 - 00:46:38:09
She did?
00:46:38:11 - 00:47:00:16
Yeah. It was a bark of agreement. that that's that was a great, great question. Thank you. Laura. Thank you. Laura. our next question and I'm going to pick this one, Kristin. And you're going to not like it, is going to be from Ethan in Miami, Florida. Okay. Who is asking about his beta fish? I've noticed my beta fish has been developing fin rot.
00:47:00:18 - 00:47:17:18
What are the best ways to treat Finra and prevent it from happening again in the future? And while normally we never kind of pose ourselves as aquatics experts, this is a problem that I experienced growing up. I had a beta fish. You had fin, right? You did. And, yeah. So this is one I'm I actually.
00:47:17:18 - 00:47:22:12
I'm so glad you have experience because I, I got nothing.
00:47:22:14 - 00:47:44:14
Yeah. So Finra is, caused by one of two things. It's either a bacterial or a fungal infection. And, really easy to spot in a beta fish. Beta fish? Well known for, those beautiful flowing fins. and if they end up literally looking like they're rotting, holes in it, sort of wilting away, almost definitely fin rot.
00:47:44:16 - 00:48:10:08
so as most things, infections imply that a cleaning is due in some capacity, betta fish usually live in isolation. You usually just have one, so you don't have to worry about quarantining. But if this is happening with another, fish usually want to quarantine them in a separate tank. because fin can spread. you want to do some water cycles, you want to clean your filters out?
00:48:10:10 - 00:48:33:08
you're going to want to treat the water with a there's a variety of different things. And this is where you might want to speak to a vet or an expert on identifying a the type of Finra and then B the products that you need to address it. There's tablets. there's even prescriptions that you could get from a vet, to, to treat the tank with.
00:48:33:10 - 00:48:53:08
but the important thing is, is that this is not that the tank is dirty, especially like bacteria just happen, especially in fish tanks. And there needs to be a certain level of bacteria in a tank to promote a healthy living environment. but it is a matter of getting getting the tank clean of that either bacteria or fungus.
00:48:53:10 - 00:49:10:20
and then to prevent it, it's it's just keep everything clean. don't overcrowd the tank. Make sure the tank is the right size for the fish. I've seen a lot of betta fish that are in tanks that are just too small. there's tiny little fish balls. Typically not big enough for even even a single, fully grown, fish.
00:49:10:20 - 00:49:20:11
So maybe it's time for a bigger tank. Maybe it's time for a better filter. maybe it's just time to sort of upgrade that ecosystem for your your scaly little friend guy.
00:49:20:11 - 00:49:23:10
Chris I'm impressed. Chris. That was really.
00:49:23:11 - 00:49:38:13
It's sometimes it's like. It's like when you're watching jeopardy! and they ask one he sort of point at the TV and you're like, I don't, I know this one's. Yeah. But meanwhile, like, it's just 49 other questions in the show, you had no idea. That's how I felt when I read that question. I was like, oh my goodness.
00:49:38:13 - 00:49:40:21
Like, it's a fish question. I know the answer.
00:49:40:21 - 00:49:43:14
Today was your day. Thank you.
00:49:43:16 - 00:50:10:19
Today was my day for that question. Thank thanks Olivia. But as always, folks, when your animal is sick here, don't trust me. Don't you be foolish. I'm just some guy on the internet. You know how many people get on the internet and lie, don't you? Don't trust me? Go to your vet, get some expertise. But hopefully, I have given you some peace of mind to know, that everything's going to be okay.
00:50:10:21 - 00:50:16:12
this is 100% curable and preventable and gave you some tips and tricks, but go see the vet.
00:50:16:14 - 00:50:20:17
All right, Chris, it's that time we've got to wrap up the show is.
00:50:20:19 - 00:50:27:21
Yeah, it's that time. the good the bad news is it's the end of our show. The good news is we'll be back next week.
00:50:27:21 - 00:50:29:23
That's right. We've got some more awesome guest.
00:50:29:23 - 00:50:51:05
New episodes come out every single Tuesday. We'll have new guests, new stories, new products, and new questions. Again, if you want your question answered. Pets add You can write in. You can leave us a voicemail if you liked the show. Wherever you're listening to it, leave us a nice review. Some nice comments if you. If you don't like the show, leave us a nice review anyway.
00:50:51:05 - 00:51:09:16
And then and then give us some feedback on what we could do better. like subscribe, share it with your friends, share it with your dog, share it with your fish. we want everybody to listen to our great show. and for you, for listening. Thank you. Thank you, genuinely for listening. today. and we'll hear from you again soon.
00:51:09:17 - 00:51:10:15
Chris (Voice Over)
Pets Add life.
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Episode Details Happy New Year, and welcome to the first episode of 2025! 🎉🐾 In this special edition of the Pets Add Life Podcast, hosts Kristen Levine and Ch.
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