PAL Podcast

Episode 1: How Do Pets Add Life? The Science Behind the Human Animal Bond & Pet Ownership

Written by Pets Add Life | Mar 12, 2024 9:53:00 PM

Episode Details

Get to know your podcast hosts, Certified Cat Dad Chris Bonifati and Pet Living Expert Kristen Levine, as they share their backgrounds in the pet industry on our very first episode of the Pets Add Life Podcast! Then, tune in with Kristen as she sits down with special guests Steve Feldman, President of the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), and Kerry O’Hara, Chief Insights Officer at the American Pet Products Association (APPA). Learn about the incredible science-based research HABRI develops on the health benefits of companion animals and the latest pet ownership trends from APPA.

Special Guests:

  • - Steve Feldman, President of the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI)
  • - Kerry O’Hara, Chief Insights Officer at the American Pet Products Association (APPA)

Pet Product Recommendations:

Q&A Topics:

  • - Helping pets adjust to owners newly working from home (Submitted by Elena from Austin, TX)
  • - Considerations pet owners should make when introducing a second dog into their home (Submitted by Marcus from San Diego, CA)

Related Links:

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Presented by: American Pet Products Association (APPA) & DOGTV