PAL Podcast

Episode 16: Puppy Yoga and Pet-Friendly Travel

Written by Pets Add Life | Jun 11, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Episode Details

This week, Chris and Kristen explore fun ways to combine wellness and pet companionship! Joined by Lea Burbidge, Co-Founder of The Puppysphere and Ryan Embree from Travel Media Group, we talk about puppy yoga and ways to enhance your travel experience with pets. 

Special Guests:

  • - Lea Burbidge, Co-Founder of The Puppysphere
    - Ryan Embree, Marketing Director at Travel Media Group

Pet Product Recommendations:

Q&A Topics:

  • - "My indoor cat has recently started scratching the furniture despite having a scratching post. What can I do to redirect this behavior and protect my furniture?" (Submitted by Lisa from Boston, MA)
    - "I’ve been considering adopting a rescue dog but am worried about potential behavioral issues. What are some key things to consider and prepare for when bringing a rescue dog into my home?" (Submitted by Alex from Dallas, TX)
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Presented by: American Pet Products Association (APPA) & DOGTV