PAL Podcast

Episode 13: The Healing Power of Pets

Written by Pets Add Life | May 21, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Episode Details

Chris and Kristen explore the profound impact pets have on our emotional and physical health. First, they sit down with Susan Lee Vick, CEO of Joybound, to discuss the organization's mission to enhance the human-animal bond and support both pets and people through various life stages. They are also joined by Dianne McGill from Pet Peace of Mind to discuss how pets bring comfort and companionship to individuals in hospice and palliative care, ensuring that no pet is left behind in times of crisis.

Special Guests:

  • - Susan Lee Vick, CEO of Joybound People & Pets
  • - Dianne McHill, Founder and President of Pet Peace of Mind

Pet Product Recommendations:

Q&A Topics:

  • - My daughter has been asking for a bunny (Submitted by Linda from Springfield, IL)
    - Switching my dog to a raw food diet (Submitted by Michael from Denver, CO)
  • Related Links:
  • - Joybound People & Pets
  • - Pet Peace of Mind
Social Channels:

Presented by: American Pet Products Association (APPA) & DOGTV