PAL Blog

The Way to a Cat’s Heart - Pets Add Life

Written by Pets Add Life | Oct 14, 2019 6:28:00 PM

It’s no secret that cats can be a little… particular about who they give their affections to, which makes respecting them (and their space) pretty important in regard to their health and wellbeing. Some cats are social and their affectionate cues are easy to read while others can play a bit of a cat-and-mouse game. Here are a few of our favorite ways to respect kitty’s needs while simultaneously wriggling your way into the soft spot of their heart.

  • Read the signs. A cat’s body language is the number one way they communicate, so it’s important to pay attention to things they welcome and things they reject. A relaxed cat’s ears and pupils appear normal and at ease, indicating neither fear nor aggression; if your cat’s ears are flattened against their head with eyes narrowed or dilated pupils, it’s an indication they’re nearing aggressive behavior and you should leave them be.
  • Proper petting. This goes hand-in-hand with reading the signs; some cats (ok, most) don’t like their belly rubbed, even if they lie on their back – pay attention to the places your cat enjoys being rubbed and those they have a strong adverse reaction to and respect their preferences.
  • Proper identification. Make sure your cat’s tags and/or chip are up to date to show they’re a meaningful part of your family in the event you were to ever be separated.
  • Pay attention. Your cat’s needs change as they age, so pay attention to any new lumps, bumps, or behaviors so you can promptly address them to ensure kitty stays healthy and happy.
  • Give them what they need. Cats have a natural desire to scratch, so be sure to provide them a scratching post in addition to access to clean, fresh water and a clean litter box. (These are non-negotiable necessities for a happy cat.)
  • Be prepared. Out of respect for your cat’s wellness, have some standard care products handy so you have them if you need them.

What are some ways you show your cat you care? Share with us on Facebook!