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Summertime Fun that Won’t Break the Bank - Pets Add Life

Written by Pets Add Life | Jul 18, 2019 1:19:52 PM

Welp, it’s officially summer pet lovers and we are living for it! While we love summer fruits and the sun on our faces, the best part about summer is that entertainment is cheap and readily available. With longer days and warmer nights, it’s time for everyone to make the most of their time outside – and we mean everyone! Here are a few of our favorite mostly-free summertime activities that Fido can enjoy too.

  • Swimming! Dogs enjoy a nice, cool dip on a hot summer day just as much as we do. Some dogs may need a floatation vest, others may dive right in like they’re part porpoise, but being safe is the most important thing – as long as your pet’s recall is good and the water’s calm, you’re in for a wonderful day with your canine.
  • Evening Strolls. One of the best things about summer is that the sun is still up when we get home from work without the blazing afternoon heat. Take the opportunity to stretch your legs and leave the workday behind by walking your dog in the fresh air.
  • Morning Hikes. Another summertime perk is that the mornings are one of the most beautiful times to be outside; the sun is bright but the heat is still totally bearable. Make the most of your morning by planning a beautiful sunrise hike with your pooch – it’ll truly set you up for an amazing day.
  • Camping. You could do all of the aforementioned activities on a fun camping trip with the whole family! Just make sure Fido has plenty of food, water, and a bed in the shade to retreat from all the fun. You may have to pay for the campsite and your food, but we’re talking a couple days of fun here!
  • Play Dates. Have a friend and their pup over for some indoor or outdoor play time – just make sure everyone has plenty of fresh water to drink.


We won’t bore you with the typical summer safety rules… Ok, yes we will – make sure your dog has plenty of shade and water during these outdoor excursions and familiarize yourself with signs of heat exhaustion and how to treat it just in case. And, of course, post pictures!